About me
Picture of me with a Ferrari
Picture of me with a Ferrari Testarosa, not my car, but I did drive it on a track afterwards!
My name is Andrew Sellors. I work as a software engineer and project implementation consultant specialising in legal industry data systems. I am a supporter of the Acorn/RISC OS computer platform and write FreeWare and ShareWare software, some of which is available for download on this site. I enjoy playing tennis and going to pubs and restaurants with friends - see the restaurant reviews I have compiled on this site.
About this site
I started this site in September of 1996 to provide a place from which my Acorn software could be downloaded.

This stayed pretty much the same until after 1 1/2 years of the running of the Restaurant Crawl, I put of the first restaurant reviews in April of 1999.

From that point onwards, the site grew as more areas of restaurant reviews were added. By the beginning of 2003, the site had grown to 576 HTML files alone. This made maintenance a complex task and the thought of any site style changes rather daunting.

The beginning of 2003 brought the concept of a new layout for the site and the idea of using software to take the hard work out of creating and managing the pages. As the majority of the site is taken up by the restaurant reviews and the format of the index pages, links and review pages is constant, a software build system could quickly create all the pages based on content from data files.

As a background task during 2003, I extracted all the information from the existing site and devised an ASCII file format to hold each restaurant review and Tab Separated Values (TSV) files to define the indexes and framework of the new site. This also allowed by to go back and fill in the missing restaurant reviews - although I have been to every restaurant on the Crawl, I had not originally put my reviews for the first to areas on the site.

In February and March 2004, I wrote the Web Site build software. This software generates the whole of the restaurant review section, the menu system and the framework of the other pages by using template files. Like the previous versions of the site, the remaining pages are still hand crafted, but that only leaves me 6 HTML files to manage. A cut of the web site build software can be found on the software downloads page.