Chiswick restaurant type index
Below are the restaurants visited in Chiswick grouped by type.
This section lists all the reviewed restaurants ordered by descending overall score.

To view all the restaurants in the order visited, please see the Chronological Index page.

Click on the restaurant name to view the full review or use the Next and Previous navigation buttons to step between the pages.
Chinese  French  Greek  Thai
Thai/Malaysian  Indian  Italian
Name Overall rating Review date
Tootsies 2 Stars 1st April 2000
Name Overall rating Review date
Yellow River Café 2 Stars 1th July 2000
Mr Wong 2 Stars 11th March 2000
Name Overall rating Review date
Le Parisien 4 Stars 20th November 1999
Café Rouge 2 Stars 12th February 2000
Name Overall rating Review date
Kleftiko 4 Stars 18th December 1999
Kalamari 4 Stars 2nd September 2000
Name Overall rating Review date
Old Packhorse Thai Café 3 Stars 8th January 2000
The Thai Bistro 2 Stars 3rd June 2000
Thai Malaysian
Name Overall rating Review date
Silks & Spice 4 Stars 10th June 2000
Name Overall rating Review date
Annapurna 4 Stars 6th May 2000
Taj 3 Stars 13th November 1999
Geetanjali Tandoori 2 Stars 27th November 1999
Name Overall rating Review date
Café Uno 4 Stars 4th March 2000
La Mirage 3 Stars 11th December 1999
Zizzi 3 Stars 29th January 2000
Caffé Piccolo 3 Stars 24th June 2000
Ask 3 Stars 26th February 2000
It's Italian Cafe 3 Stars 15th January 2000
Est Est Est 2 Stars 16th June 2000
Foubert's Hotel 2 Stars 18th March 2000
Café Pasta 2 Stars 19th February 2000